Here are some links to some cool sites and some cool bands. Enjoy
Dropdown related links
Dropdown Officail site
Mayhem and Mischief
The Witchwood
Favorite Sites
This is the site for No Standards a very cool punk band from oldham! they are top blokes and close friends of Drop down! and also you might spot the name Drop Down on there to!
Grayson's Hour
A Very cool band i saw at Jabez Clegg in september of 2003! Plus this band has a female vocalist and female bassist, which i think is very cool and kinda sexy! LOL!
A Long Time Spent
This is a very cool band and close mates of the band! check em out!
End of Eleven
A cool rock band that i (tony) was once in for about 3 or 4 weeks. but they doin fine with out me!
This is a very sweet ass punk band from rochdale i believe! they are very kool so check em out
4FT fingers
This is a really good punk band from the UK who we supported in may 2003.
Four Star Mary
a very good rock band that drop down support in june 2003
No Comply
A Brillant UK Ska band we should be supporting in November 2003! You must check these out!