Past Gigs
The Abbey inn, Oldham - 26/12/03 (with A long time spent and Chuffs and Mullets)
The Witchwood, Ashton - 04/12/03 (headliners)
The Star and Garter, Manchester - 19/11/03 (with Nostandards, A Long time Spent and Out of Gauge)
Mayhem & Mischief 2, Austerlands cricket club - 7/11/03
The Witchwood, Ashton - 5/11/03 (Supporting No Comply) Band on the wall, Manchester - 17/10/03 (headliners) The Grapes Inn, Lees - 25/09/03 (Acoustic set with covers) The Witchwood, Ashton - 28/08/03 (supporting Amplified) The Castle, Oldham - 31/07/03 (with No Standards & A Long Time Spent) Jackson's Pit, Oldham - 30/07/03 Band on the wall, Manchester - 15/07/03 (with A long time spent) Satan's Hollow, Manchester - 13/07/03 Roadhouse, Manchester - 08/06/2003 (Supporting 4 Star Mary) Mayhem And Mischeif Fest 03, Austerlands Cricket club - 30/05/2003 Witchwood, Ashton - 8/05/2003(supporting 4Ft Finger) Band On The Wall, Manchester - 14/03/2003 Jackson's pit, Oldham - 05/02/2003 The Witchwood, Ashton - 16/01/2003 Jackson's Pit, Oldham - 15/01/2003 Oldham 6th form Talent show - 20/12/2002